This amazing program is guaranteed to take you on a 4 week crosstraining adventure. Results Guaranteed. It is held monday through friday (5 days per week), one hour a day. You will also receive one on one nutritional counseling separate from your workout times.


In each session will take you through a circuit of spinning, boxing, total body cable machines, freeweights, jumprope, power yoga and meditation....whew! Bootcampers are constantly in motion as they move between stations. In between stations they run laps, do pushups, drills, squats, lunges, crunches and aerobic combinations. 
In each hour class, Boot Camp combines more activities than anyone could ever have time to do in a week. Best of all, the program combines them all with incredible music. 

Teresa & Jay bring their love of music to every class, playing songs from decades of artists such as ACDC to Pink, Bowie to Rap, disco to Punk and everything inbetween.

"You may be a bit tired at 6am...but thats nothing a little ACDC can't cure!" says Teresa.


What makes this camp special is our high priority placement on proper nutrition during training. We sit down with each client and give a individualized guideline that will fit each persons lifestyle. We will teach the right balance of Protein, Carbohydrates and fat for each bodyweight and activity level as well as what the best choices are while dining out...ect. 

We then have each client keep a daily journal that is to be turned in each day, modified with better suggestions and choices and returned the following day. Bodyfat, measurements and weight will also be kept weekly. 

Remember... If you work WITH your body it will always return the favor! And most the most important tip... Its much easier to control what you eat when your not hungry. 

OK, Now its time to take care of your body...after all, its the most brilliant machine you will ever own! 

Anyone who has ever wanted to drop FAT

this is your chance!

SIGN UP   -   GET UP   -   SHOW UP

its as simple as that!